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About Vi Tiet

Passionate. Curious. Dedicate.

I am extremely motivated and thrive to constantly be better as a game programmer. I am seeking an environment where I can utilize my programming skill and knowledge.

"Programming is not a zero-sum game. Teaching something to a fellow programmer doesn't take it away from you. I'm happy to share what I can, because I'm in it for the love of programming."

John Carmack

Home: Quote
Home: Planet Runner

Planet Runner


This is my first mobile game made with Unity Engine. Although lacking originality, I managed to put in some features that I'm proud of. From procedural planet vegetation populating to custom touch input, all was done from scratch and through lots of reading on stackoverflow...

Untitled RPG Game - Example 1.png
Untitled RPG Game - Example 2.png
Untitled RPG Game - Example 3.png
Home: Unamed RPG Game

Untitled RPG Game


A name which I had to think for a long time to come up with!... Jokes aside, this is the project that I put probably most of the things I learned in school. From the publish-subscribe design pattern to the weighted graph data structure, and much more, which can be found scattering inside this project.

Tic Tac Toe VR
Tic Tac Toe VR
Tic Tac Toe VR
Tic Tac Toe VR
Tic Tac Toe VR
Home: Tic Tac Toe VR

Tic Tac Toe VR


A project I made for Google Cardboard while learning the Minimax algorithm for AI. This build features the AIs utilizing the Minimax algorithm against the player as well as against other AI.

Bull Cow Game
Bull Cow Game
Bull Cow Game
Home: Bulls Cows Game

Bulls Cows Game


This is my take on Bull Cow word game in which the players need to guess an isogram word within a limited number of tries. This version features a fully expandable word list that anyone can add to. The only drawback is that one has to adhere to a set of rules in order for the additional words to work.

Sudoku Generator
Sudoku Generator
Caesar Cipher
Caesar Cipher
Card Game
Card Game
Card Game
Card Game
Home: Small C++ Projects


Sudoku Generator

I like to play Sudoku during my time commuting to school. I have always wondered how one could make their own Sudoku puzzle, and this is what I came up with after some researches.



Caesar Cipher

I like to play quiz/puzzle games in general, and one of the quizzes in one particular game requires you to decipher a sentence... This is what I came up with to solve that quiz! :D



Card Game

Revisiting one of my earlier projects of the school year, I wanted to clean up and make the BlackJack card game project expandable and more... DRY. From a monolithic class of more than 3000 lines of code, I managed to separate that one giant class into 10 different classes and reduced the total project lines down to around 1000. This made me quite proud because it proves that I did pay attention and learn something in class!... maybe...

Home: Conway's Game of Life


Conway's Game of Life

"Conway's Game of Life, The Game of Life, or simply Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970". This is a zero-player game, which will play by itself once you've created a pattern/configuration, then simply start the simulation to see how it plays out.

Home: Absurd Thruster


Absurd Thruster

A silly side project about a cube pink cat trying to survive being propelled around the maze-like levels.

Home: Catavneer?!



This is a multiplayer hack n’ slash game that I and my friends/colleagues at Toronto Film School created within 3 months from scratch... well, all but the original pitch idea were made from scratch it was pitched and accepted over half a year ago! The biggest accomplishment for me in this project was the experience that came with working with a group of people to meet a deadline. I was able to experience working across multiple roles, from AI, UI, Gameplay, Core Game Systems, QA, etc.

The most precious thing I learned from this project is that you can start making a game, but you can never finish making it... until you ship it can you truly say I kind of finish making that game...

All in all, this is the project that I'm proud of the most during my school days.

Mr. Angry Bean


Mr. Angry Bean

This is a project that I started while learning from one of the courses on Udemy... with a twist! All the models besides the tree, car, and light fixture are made with Unity's primitive shapes, which in the end, produce a very nice minimalistic feel.

Also, in this project, after many trials and errors, I made my first custom path editor tools for the game using Unity's editor scripting APIs.

BD_Game 2
BD_Game 3
Quick HP Bar Editor
HP Bar Example 2
HP Bar Example
Code Generator Example
Code Generator Example 2
Scriptable Object Browser Example
UI Data Manager Example


Builder Defender

Another project that I made while learning on Udemy!

Although minimal, I started to make more tools and editor utilities to help speed up the pipeline.

The goals are convenience and reuseable. Some of the tools made while I'm working on this project:

- Quick HP Bar: Quickly create a prototype of a health bar, save/load presets with only a click. Also comes with HP damage FX! Such as shrinking follow bar, fading bar, or drop bar!

- Auto-Generated Code: Generate enum and class with a template! You just have to make an editor script to customize your enum or class content, and the Code Generator will take care of the rest!

- Scriptable Object Browser: One of the inconvenient hurdles while trying to find and edit the scriptable objects is navigating the project folder. With Scriptable Object Browser, you can access all of your scriptable objects in one window!

- UI Data Manager: Another example of simplifying storing UI skin and changing it on the fly. You don't have to go through the hierarchy tree and search for your UI and change the skin one by one... just make it into a prefab, add it to the UI Data Manager Scriptable Object, then voila! Any skin changed will be saved and updated into the prefab itself!

***** If you want to try out the tool, you must have Odin Inspector. Contact me if you're interested in the tool! Don't worry, it's free to use! *****


Home: CV


Programming Languages

- Proficient in C#
- Proficient in C++
- Some knowledge in Java
- Some knowledge in Python

Previous Projects

- Last Sunset (Construct 2)
- Mario remake - Level 1 (C#, Unity)
- Blackjack game text & graphic (C++, SDL)
- Unnamed RPG game (C#, Unity)
- Bulls & Cows (C++)
- Unnamed third-person shooter game (C++, Unreal)
- Planet Runner (C#, Unity)
- Tic Tac Toe VR (C#, Unity, Google Cardboard)
- Catavaneer (C#, Unity, Group Project) - AI, Gameplay, UI, Core Systems

Skills and Abilities

- Good attention to details.
- Strong problem solving skills.
- Excellent organization and multi-tasking skills.
- Ability to work great independently or as part of a team.
- Great ability to adapt to change.

Education Background

Toronto Film School

- Video Game Design & Development Diploma

- Hornour List and President's List


Sheridan College

- Practical Nursing Diploma

Home: Contact

Get in Touch

Mississauga, ON L5G4J5


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Thanks for submitting!



Mr. Angry Bean

This is a project that I started while learning from one of the courses on Udemy... with a twist! All the models besides the tree, car, and light fixture are made with Unity's primitive shapes, which in the end, produce a very nice minimalistic feel.

Also, in this project, after many trials and errors, I made my first custom path editor tools for the game using Unity's editor scripting APIs.

Builder Defender
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